South African ID Number (SAID) Verification


To perform verification on a South African ID Number (SAID), make a POST request to the following endpoint;


SAID Data Validation

SAID Data validation enables you to verify a SAID Number and validate the information in the government database against the data parameters you provided when the verification request was made. You can validate the first_name and last_name by passing this information in the request body to get a true or false response on whether they match the information in the database. Use the same endpoint above to make this request.

The request body should have the following parameters:

   "id": "8012185201077",
   "verification_consent": true
   "id": "8012185201077",
   "verification_consent": true,
   "validation": {
       "first_name": "Laven",
       "last_name": "Mandela"

The fields in this request include:

FieldData TypeDescription
idStringRequired - the ID number
verification_consentBooleanRequired - this indicates that subject has given consent to perform this verification. This must be true for the check to be performed.
validation.first_nameStringOptional (required for data matching) - the first name of the ID holder to be compared with ID information in the government database.
validation.last_nameStringOptional (required for data matching) - the last name of the ID holder to be compared with ID information in the government database.

The response to this request would look like this:

   "status": true,
   "message": "South Africa ID verified successfully",
   "data": {
       "reference": "VR-zip9sGAOsoQlynmQ3",
       "id": "8012185201077",
       "id_type": "za_said",
       "first_name": "Trevor",
       "last_name": "Mandela",
       "is_smart_card_issued": "Yes",
       "issued_date": "2015-07-08",
       "sequence_number": "1",
       "deceased_status": "alive",
       "date_of_death": "",
       "marital_status": "SINGLE",
       "date_of_marriage": "",
       "on_hanis": "yes",
       "on_npr": "yes",
       "country_of_birth": "SOUTH AFRICA",
       "hanis_reference": "2306078375132",
       "validation": {
           "first_name": {
               "value": "Laven",
               "match": false
           "last_name": {
               "value": "Mandela",
               "match": true
       "requested_by": "API User"

A webhook notification will also be sent to your application immediately the SAID verification is completed.