All-new Balance API

We’ve introduced Balances to your Korapay dashboard.


Your Balance page shows an overview of the funds in your Korapay account. Your Balance History provides a clear breakdown of the debit and credit transactions that make up your balance. Easily reconcile transactions by viewing, comparing and exporting balance reports in CSV and XLS formats directly from your dashboard.
See Documentation on Balances

Balance API

Korapay’s Balance API is a simple and valuable feature that allows businesses to integrate Balances into their applications so that they can monitor their Korapay balance in real-time without having to log into their Korapay dashboard. This real-time Balance data can be useful in preventing transaction failures as a result of insufficient funds.
See Documentation on Balance API

Other Important Updates

Pay-ins and Payouts

Your transaction history is now split into Pay-ins and Payout. Pay-ins represent inbound transactions that you receive into your account - including income, salary and transfers. Payouts are outbound payments you make - withdrawals and disbursements. You can filter and search through your transactions, and even export them in your preferred format.
See Documentation on Pay-ins and Payouts

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed issue where merchants were unable to successfully make payouts to customers with Paycom bank accounts.
  • Fixed the issue with the discrepancy on the expiry countdown for Pay with Bank Transfer on Checkout.
  • Updated the minimum amount required for Naira settlement payout to NGN1,000.