
Checkouts are secure, Kora-hosted payment pages that you can easily integrate into your website or applications to seamlessly collect payments from your customers. With Checkouts, you can easily create customizable payment experiences with a smooth and more secure flow for your customers.

On the merchant dashboard, the Checkouts also comes in the form of Payment Links which include customizable URLs that you can easily share with your customers or embed in buttons on your applications. However, you can choose to integrate the gateway such that when your application calls the APIs, it renders in an iframe or a new page where your customers can enter their payment details to complete their transactions.


Heads up!

You can only receive real payments with Checkouts or Payment Links in Live mode. At this point, you must have completed the Go-Live requirements.

Checkout Integration Options

There are two options for integrating the Checkout and, as their names imply, their use cases are pretty straightforward.