Virtual Card Withdrawals

To withdraw funds from a virtual card, make a POST request to:



This endpoint is protected by secret key authentication. Ensure to append your secret key to the authorization headers when calling this endpoint.

Here's a sample request payload

	"reference": "unique_transaction_reference",
	"amount": 10,
	"description": "For Lunch"

The response for the request could look like this:

    "status": true,
    "message": "Card withdrawal pending",
    "data": {
        "card_reference": "226eeb6f-f6cb-562f-a5e8-4uhsdechhgtywhg",
        "transaction_reference": "unique_transaction_reference",
        "amount": 9,
        "fee": 1,
        "currency": "USD",
        "type": "card_withdrawal",
        "status": "processing"

A webhook notification will also be sent to your application immediately the withdrawal action is completed. The webhook notification response will look like this:

 "event": "issuing.card_withdrawal.success",
 "data": {
   "reference": "webhook unique reference",
   "card_reference": "876eeb6f-f6cb-562f-a5e8-48d91dec7999",
   "transaction_reference": "TX-8EtDYNlTlqp5EwuuDD9susN00TtIsETbxrhiE",
   "amount": 9,
   "fee": 1,
   "currency": "USD",
   "status": "success",
   "type": "card_withdrawal",
   "card_balance": 1005.23,
   "date": "2000-11-11T10:00:00"