
Get exchange rates and convert between currencies in real-time with the Identity APIs.

Our Currency Conversion product enables you to convert amounts between various currencies using up-to-date exchange rates. The suite of APIs supports fetching the latest exchange rates, converting currency amounts, and retrieving historical conversion transactions.


Currently, Koraโ€™s Currency Conversion Product supports the following currency exchange:

  1. Naira to USD
  2. USD to Naira


Here are the prerequisite steps to start using the Currency conversion API;

  1. Create a Kora account here, (if you do not already have one).
  2. Ensure that your account is activated and Live Mode is turned on.
  3. Verify that your account has the USD Currency enabled (request access from [email protected]).
  4. Verify that your account is activated for the Currency conversion product (request access from [email protected]).
  5. Ensure your available balance of the currency you want to convert from is sufficiently funded, see how to do that here.

Important Links

Here are some important links to get you started on Currency conversion on Kora:

Getting Started

Get support for Currency conversion product

If you have any questions or concerns about currency conversion, you may email our support team at [email protected].